Sunday 11 March 2018


Earlier in the week as I was getting dressed to go out, I was on a video call with mum & the following conversation ensued...

Mum: What is wrong with your tummy?

Me:   (Confused face) How? Why?

Mum: Why is it so big?

Me: (At this point, I knew where this conversation was headed) I just ate (I lied! 😁)

Mum: So?? Is that enough reason? Remember nothing has passed through that tummy, so fix up!

My mum still tells me off about my looks, my hair, my skin(she's actually slowed down on that one! I finally passed lol!) the way I treat people etc. She's not afraid to look me in the eye and give me the truth without mixing words but I love her all the same! All that I and my brothers are, are a direct reflection of how she has raised us and the values she has instilled in us...

It may sound like a cliche but... I love this woman so much!

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