Friday 19 October 2012

Growing-and Blessing Others

Growing-and Blessing Others                                                                 19 Oct 2012

'Carry each other's burdens, will fulfil the law of Christ.' Galatians 6:2
If your desire is to bless others, you must ask yourself: 1) What am I doing to invest in myself? You can't give what you don't have. Unless you're committed to personal growth you'll have nothing of worth to give others. So, '...add to your faith...knowledge' (2 Peter 1:5 NIV) and keep adding! 2) What am I doing to invest in others? Success can cause you to be self-seeking. Although you make the most of your natural talent and work hard, you can still become a schemer who asks, 'What can I get from others?' Instead you must ask, 'What can I give to others?' In the book Mother Teresa-Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta, the little nun shares her thoughts with her superiors about her life and her calling to serve people. 'I don't know what the success will be...but if the Missionaries of Charity have brought joy to one unhappy home...made one innocent child from the streets keep pure for dying person die in peace with God...don't you think, Your Grace, it would be worthwhile offering everything...for just that one...because that would bring great joy to the heart of Jesus.' Mother Teresa inspired many of us, sat with presidents and kings, and modelled what servant-hood is to the world. Yet her dream of helping others started small, with the goal of affecting one unhappy home, one innocent child, or one dying person. The way in which you can bless the world around you is to do it-one life at a time.

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