Saturday 12 October 2013

Just a 'little' more time.....

We always come to a point in life, when we feel we badly need 'SOMETHING'. The SOMETHING here might be a promotion, recognition, healing, victory from a battle, a job change, relocation, a relationship, it could even mean more time, or a hurry to meet up wit certain demands, you name it. But the shocking reality of life, is that what we think we need badly like yesterday, might not really be what we need. It may be that we need the opposite, which is more time.

I was speaking with a friend, a few days ago and what I kept saying was 'thank God' I waited.
And even yesterday, as I spoke to some other friend, in our conversations the same issue arose and I said to her again 'thank God' I waited, what if I had made that particular move? I wouldn't have felt as fulfilled as I do now.

I am currently reading the book of 2Samuel in the bible that centres much on David and the battles he had to fight, his travails and horror from the reality of being killed someday by Saul. However in 1Samuel 29, as David is left with no choice but to take refuge in the enemy camp, he felt obliged to join the philistines to war against his own people. And I cant help but imagine if he would still have been made king, if he had gone to battle against his own people and massacred them. However Gods plan is always perfect, and David ended up not joining in that battle.

Sometimes what we think we cant live without, is really what we don't need, and what we think we badly need at a particular time might end up being the genesis of our disaster if it happened at the time we wanted. Everything that happens to us is for a reason, the school of hard knocks they say produces the greatest scholars, and adversity is their teacher.

I recently read in a devotional this; ‘When heaven is about to confer a great responsibility on any man it will place obstacles in the path of his deeds so as to stimulate his mind, harden his nature, and improve wherever he is incompetent.’ And it has stayed with me ever since.

Sometimes we don't know our strengths, until we pass through the crucible. I remember having a chat weeks back with a friend who lost his wife and a week old baby in an inferno 4 years ago and as we spoke about a challenge a different friend of ours was going through, I reminded him of himself. And in my own words I said; "If anyone told you, you would survive the death of your wife and child, would you have believed?" And I continued by saying, we will get through that situation or achieve an incomprehensible dream, if we just give the situation  'a little more time' and choose to 'hold up' rather than 'fold up'.

And today I encourage you to give yourself, someone else, that situation a little more time. It might just be all you need....

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