Friday 14 February 2014

Relationship Pizzazz....(Read Edition)

The media and all the make believe scenarios of the block buster movies as well as the style/approach/advice/perception of relationship of the people we hold dear to our heart who indirectly and unconsciously influence us in subtle ways, have a defining effect in the way we view relationships.

Truth be told however, I strongly believe that there is no hard and fast rule or rule book out there for a successful relationship. There are however basic principles to help  any relationship flourish. Be it between colleagues, siblings, associates, team members, family and lovers. These are the same principles that are mentioned now and again in the bible.

Relationship to me is an investment built upon the foundation of Truth and Sincerity, Selflessness, Giving, Understanding. And guess what? No one hits the ground running with all these. They come with time in two PATIENT people who have come to the realisation that the search for the PERFECT person is an endless one. Rather finding that person who makes you PERFECTLY happy, fulfilled, focus and is determined to see you improve/ make you better should be the goal. And the dividends you reap from this investment, is dependent on how much you are willing to invest.

Love means different things to different people. However the true meaning of Love is found in God Himself. He did not love us because we were sinless, perfect, good, shared the same ideas with Him, or did His will. No! He loved us just as we are, and proved this by sending His one and only son to die on our behalf.

You say you love her/him? There will be times when this so called love will be tested by time, differing opinions, financial struggles health crisis, parenting, career, the presence of a more appealing man/woman, distance and even the minute of reasons.

And when this happens, what do you do?? One thing I have learnt in life however is that it is very easy to make simple what is complicated and easy also to complicate what is simple. Secondly the right person is made not found...The right person emerges out of the right relationship.
Thirdly the right person comes from growing into each other. So give yourselves time and always be willing to make excuses for each others weakness.

Invest in people, cos like I said earlier, the people you meet create the paradise you dream of.
And most importantly, make peace with God, because it is only when you have sorted that area of your life that you are ready to LOVE another TRULY.

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