Friday 1 July 2016

Addressing Fears

On the train to an interview earlier this week, I was reading Brian Houston's Live Love Lead & as got to the marked portion, it made me pause for a bit.  Unfortunately, you will have to read the  page before to get the full concept of what the marked portion is. To summarise, in life, there are processes that we go through that shape us for our destination.   During those times, sometimes, some difficult questions arise that we tend to shove under the carpet or pretend that it will magically disappear. 

But you know what I have learned  the little time I have lived on earth? What you fail to address at the time of initial concern, especially if it comes up in your instincts every now and again, you will end up addressing at a later stage and this time it always gets more complicated and really unsettling. As I sat on the train, I asked myself, are you ready to embark on this journey on a daily basis? What is this journey going to feel like in the winter? I had to ask those questions because the problem people like myself who are born again make sometimes is that we try to cover the process of work/planning with faith and scriptures. But I say No! Sometimes you plan realistically, you address your concerns upfront and have a good understanding of the situation, so that you either come to terms with it or make alternative arrangements, and when you have done all you can, you can now believe God through faith for the best. I read a devotional this morning that made me smile, and it says"If you refuse to do your research properly, dont blame the test results"! End of!! May the 2nd half be much better than the 1st half of the year. Bless X

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