Thursday 7 November 2013

Joke Of The Day.... Man Sues Wife Over Having Ugly Babies.

Today was quite a funny one at the office, it was like my colleagues all took turns to crack me up. At the end of the day, I was so exhausted from all the laughter. I wish one of the jokes cracked was really a joke though but unfortunately its reality. With all the artificial hair, nails, teeth, lashes, cosmetic surgery, we do a good job of making people believe the perfect us, unfortunately its not skin deep, and our DNA still replicates the Real Us!

 Remember the saying “a face only a mother can love.” Well in China that saying has taken on an entirely new meaning.
 Jian Feng a Chinese man sued his wife over what he called “an extremely ugly  baby girl,” the newspaper Irish Times reported.

Though Feng insisted that his wife had to have an affair because there is no way he could have fathered such an ugly child, DNA tests proved that the girl and all of his kids were in fact his.
Here’s where it gets good.  Feng sued his ex-wife on the grounds of false pretenses, she had undergone over $100,000 in plastic surgery while in South Korea before they met and never told Feng about the procedures “duping him into thinking she was beautiful.”
Sit down for this part, he won! A judge agreed with Feng’s argument and ordered his ex-wife to pay Feng $120,000!  “I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues,” Feng told the Irish Times. “Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.”
I have enough of a hard time getting beaten up by angry mommies.  From here, DAD will let you comment on Feng, the lawsuit and his ugly babies and what work has to be done to spend $100,000?

 Screen Shot 2013-11-07 at 6.12.43 AM

  This is what $100,000 of plastic surgery looks like, before and after.

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