Monday 19 August 2013

Imprints In Life

I met an  amazing man alongside my parents, I needed a very sensitive and tactful job done, and I needed someone of very high intelligence, who knew what to do and not just an inexperienced amateur whose temperature was determined by a few notes flashed across the face and I was given his details.

This guy however just on my second meeting with him, made me think deeply about my perception of life, and the reality of the faith I profess, while being as compassionate as I can ever imagine. After we left him, we were all gobsmacked and I asked a rhetoric question; "Do such people still exsist"? And as we spoke about him, I just let out a Wow! I Love this Man to which my mum bursts into laughter as she affirmed that he was really a rare breed!

The bible says do not be weary in doing good, and in the world we live in, its quite difficult to keep up with good practices. But in reality, Kindness is never enough, or given/shown in excess.

As I penned a few words on the thank you card, I wrote "you have gone above and beyond to help and your kindness will not be forgotten in a hurry" and as I wrote I paused in my tracks and began to imagine if I had, had such positive impacts on people which they would never forget. Its easy however, to do the opposite, which is leave a very bitter taste in peoples lives.

But the more we evaluate our actions, the better we become. Touch a life positively today, you may never get a second chance to do so. And the seed you sow, just lives on, and comes back to feed you somehow.


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