Wednesday 20 March 2013

Ellys Thoughts....

I walked into the office and in my regular style, I had my earphones listening to the gospels that lift my soul every morning as I prayerfully make my way to my desk, with a bright lovely smile that radiates my face for all who know me. Frowning is not in my DNA lol! It dosent mean I cant frown hehehe, but sincerely its not something I can do for too long.Ten minutes maximum and the frown has turned into another smile. I know some of you are wondering what a lovely girl!Dont be deceived, I am not as easy as I sound lol! But today however, as I get to my desk, exchanging all the pleasantries with colleagues and logging on to my work station, I take the earphones off my ears and detach them from my ipod, for everyone to listen to what I am listening to and the effect was amazing. Heres a colleague" O Elly I love listening to gospels, if we could have music playing through the day,it would be quite uplifting". And the next person says "O Elly which artiste is that?" And then here comes my manager and hes astonished, and I go "Yea we are starting the day on a different note today" lol! In essence the bible says Light cannot be hidden,it just shines, salt is there for flavour likewise. As children of God, we are called to be the salt and light of the earth and you can only be either the salt or light, when you have found the confidence that comes from a deep relationship with God, not one that is borne out of mere rituals, but out of a deep inexplicable relationship with God. When I fell in love,I didnt need any prompting to call, send msgs, send cards, just listening to my love all day could satisfy me. Time spent meant nothing to me, money spent meant nothing either and even sleep funny enough disappeared at the sound of his voice. Likewise, when we fall in love, with this God who loves us more than we even love ourselves, we wouldnt need any prompting, to do His will, study His word or live for Him. Serving God is the best thing that can happen to anyone. We are created for a purpose, dont leave this earth without impacting a life, the clock is ticking! The time is Now! Show me a person comfortable in their own skin! And I will Show you a person who has truly discovered their purpose in God.

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